You want super smooth, hair-free skin, and fast!

Guidelines for a great wax
1.If you’ve been shaving,wait 2 weeks for the hair to re-grow:the hair needs to be long enough to hold easily between 2 fingers.If you arrive for your appointment with hair that is too short to wax you may be charged a cancellation fee.
2.If you’re worried about pain, then we suggest you take a painkiller an hour or so before your appointment.It dulls the pain,but does not eliminate it altogether
3.Exfoliate the area with exfoliating gloves in the shower for at at least 2 days leading up to your appointment,this help release any hairs stuck below the surface.
4.Yes you can have an intimate wax during your period.Please use a tampon.
5.No ultra hot baths or showers for 24 hours afterwards.
6.No sunbeds,sun exposure or fake tans for 24 hours afterwards.
7.Do not apply fragranced or alcohol based products to freshly waxed skin for 24 hours.
8.Apply suncreen if you will have your freshly waxed skin exposed to the sun,it will sunburn faster than other area's for a week after waxing
9.Dettol cream or similar antibacterial,soothing cream can be used to soothe newly-waxed or irritated skin.
10.Ingrown hairs can be treated with daily application of Bump Eraiser lotion or MediPaste -Available from BeautyFixx